
SME Training


Training Models 


Small & Medium Enterprise Training

Any SME does not have limbs to grow by itself. It consists of most powerful resource – “HUMANS”. They have the ability and potential to CHANGE any organization,  ONLY if the change happens within themselves. By changing their attire or outlook, significant, productive and long lasting changes wouldn’t happen, so the change has to happen INSIDE-OUT. How can a unhealthy or sick employee (Physically or mentally) contribute to make his or her organization healthy or grow, when the growth within the individual is diminishing?

Today, only skills enhancement wouldn’t bring in desired changes in organizational behaviour; Mind & Body is involved in well-being of an organization as MANPOWER is the most precious resource for growth of an organization.

Soft skills training

SME training1


  • Reality Learning
  • Performance Enhancement solutions
  • Key Account Management
  •   Change management
  • Vision, Mission & Values
  • Team Building
  • Functional Training
  • Presentation skills
  •  Managerial development program
  • Conflict resolution
  •  Identify KRA – Goal Setting and Prioritizing
  •  Organizing work place
  • Eliminating procrastination
  • Assertiveness for influence
Time management


  • What is Time Management?
  • Personal Time wasters
  • Environmental time wasters
  • Time Logs
  • ROTI
  • Time Management styles
  • Time and Energy level
  • Urgent v/s Important Matters
  • Setting schedule and plans
  • Mind exercise to release stress
  • Mind setting to relax and increase productivity
  • Multi- Taking v/s Mono-Tasking


  • Forming First Impression
  • Communication skills
  • Body Language
  • Influential speaking
  • Listening Skills enhancement
  • Enhancing creative skills
  • Confidence and assertiveness
  • Beliefs, barriers and drivers using NLP models
  • Personal SWOPT
  • Communication skills
  • Personal Effectiveness
  • Being proactive v/s Reactive Behaviour
  • Multitasking or Mono-tasking
    • Identify whether Multi-tasking is a Boon or curse
  • Presentation and public speaking

A presenter has two notable qualities, appropriate skills and personal confidence. Confidence comes from knowing what you want to say and being comfortable with your communication skills. In today’s world, effective presentation is not only an advantage but a prerequisite for success in every profession.

  • Effective communication 
    Communication is not about being heard, it is about being understood. Communication is a skill which if effectively practised, can bring enormous results.    
  • Meeting management

Today a good amount of time is invested in meetings and discussions. Therefore business meetings have become a very crucial part of day to day life. Productivity increases through effective meeting management.


The popular 7%-55%-38% rule which indicates that only 7% of verbal communication is effective, 38% is the Pitch and modulation of tone  and 55% is  body language. So Body non verbal speaking is more productive and effective while communicating.

  • NLP Training

Neuro-Linguistic  Programming is a skill set used to communicate more efficiently and effectively and used in the corporate world since 1970’s. Many of us have goals in mind with regards to personal and professional lives. Many a time we are stuck in a repetitive pattern of thinking which is negative and non-productive. And these thoughts neither do produce any positive results in our life nor enhance the quality of our life. On the other hand, they  destroy our lives in so many different ways which we cannot understand. NLP helps in identifying and breaking that negative reprogramming of mind empowering to achieve its goals and objectives.

  • Leadership

Leadership is not about what one knows and his qualities. It is  the ability of an individual to carry the team involving multi-nationals and multi-ethnic background. The ability to handle the situation and come up with creative and qualitative solutions determines the well-being of an organization. The leader has to be at peace within the self for being able to think clearly and effectively.

Stress & Conflict, particularly in the workplace cost money both to the organization and to the individuals directly or indirectly involved. Today everyone is encouraged to take significant responsibility for all aspects of their work. Different leadership styles work in different situations.

  • Creative problem solving

The problem is a gap between the current state and the desired state. Every problem has two elements – An objective and obstacle. If there was no obstacle there wouldn’t be a problem, it would have been an easy path to achieve your objective. Creativity is the process of generating new possibilities or alternatives, the ability to view things in a different way from a new perspective. Creative problem-solving means using techniques that increase the number and variety of ideas in order to generate the best possible solution to your problem.

  • Teamwork 
    Teamwork results in synergy and camaraderie. Effective team work not only reduces stress but also makes employees stay in the organisation.
  • Wellness Training – Overall Wellness – Physical & Mental Health for well-being of employer, Managers, and employees


    • Pranayama – Breathing exercise
    • Yoga Aasana for a healthier body
    • Mudras – For therapeutic effect on body and mind
    • Meditation – only with the mind at peace can one think and work more productively
  • Art & Science of Selling – Selling is an Art which requires the application of science and skills Every salesperson should ideally possess scientific knowledge and skills to sell.
  • Customer service
    • Connectivity in continuity
    • Never avoid calls of customers after service(bridge laying impact), or hurt EGO
    • After-sales service is very important
    • The best source of prospects
    • Regeneration of sales
    • Upselling and cross-selling
    • Face challenges pertaining to customer complaints and always view it as an opportunity
  • Goal Setting

Goal setting with an annual plan, breakup quarter wise, month wise, week wise and day wise. Goal setting is the road map for every employee to be on the right track without much deviation.

  • Dream Setting

“Dreams are a powerful source of energy”. Employees who are able to dream  will be more productive, more committed and more involved in his or her work. Dream setting  is like having the end result in mind which drives individuals to give in the best in everything that they do on a daily basis.

  • Vision Alignment of Company and individual

Many a time, it is observed that only the Leadership team is aware of the Vision of the company. Employees in the lower rung of the ladder who  are engrossed in the daily routine do not seem to carry the vision / mission statement in their heart. If all the employees are aligned with the vision of the organisation, success becomes a way of life.

This below image is self-explanatory of a typical SME
  • Visualization technique

Visualization technique may seem vague to many organizations and individuals, but recent studies in past 2 decades  have proved with awesome revelations about quantum physics and how thoughts manifest into reality. It is very important that everyone in the organization think and feel the same way for reality to manifest. Emotions play a very vital role while manifesting thought into this 3 Dimensional reality.

  • Collections

A sale is considered as complete only when the collections are made. Today collections is becoming a major challenge, especially for offline and traditional businesses.

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