Mentoring 1:1

NLP Based Mentoring and One to One coaching sessions conducted amidst nature; seashore, beach or park, away from your routine area of work or home to avoid distractions. Staying connected with nature activates your creative mind empowering to arrive at an envisaged outcome. This 1:1 session provides you a platform to be open, flexible and open-minded. Mentoring is a committed process that requires an Action Plan along with follow through and  periodical review to ascertain  the progress. Generally, Mentoring is ideal for a period of a minimum of 4 months.

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Life Coaching

Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life

Career, Pursue Passion, Goal Setting, Overcome Challenges & Success

Coaching on very important aspects of life that keeps you happy and healthy – let us sit and carve a way out

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Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life


Feeling stuck in your job for the past several years? Feeling that you are a victim of politics in your organization? Foresee very rare possibilities of growth in your organization, find timings too tiresome, really fed up with daily routine, fed up with your superiors, fed up with non-cooperative colleagues, too much work draining your full energy leaving very little or no quality time to spend on self and family? Having insecurity feeling of not having reasonable bank balance after dedicating and working for so many years ? Insufficient retirement corpus, concerns on children’s education ,  difficulty in  optimising the available funds – do they give you sleepless nights?

If you feel stuck, have very limited growth prospects, limited income, unhappy with the current job, unable to dedicate time for self, KRITA SANKALP (Self-determination) can help.


While starting your day, if you aren’t excited and feel uninterested in another routine day, then most probably you are in the wrong job or work. 

Wondered why we feel so exhausted many a time in life? It is because we are doing things that we do not love and on the other hand there are certain things which make us happy and never ever make us tired or exhausted. Let us identify your passion and work towards pursuing it. We are all born with manufacturing and expiry dates. We have very limited 50-80 summers or winters to spend in our life time. Life is small and it is only our fear which holds us from taking it up. We can help you.

STOP! Take a deep breath and ask yourself, if we had very little and limited time left in our life, will you  continue doing the same things that you do today? If your answer is No, then take a little step forward towards understanding and pursuing your passion. HOW?  Feel free to contact us and we will help you carve a way out.

Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life

Goal Setting

You know the fact that the world’s biggest monuments were created twice, once in mind, then in reality with Blueprint in hand and set timeline. Everything in life is created TWICE – once in Mind and then in reality. There is a bridge for dreams to manifest from Mind to Reality and it is the Blueprint. 

Keeping Philosophy aside and  looking  scientifically, every thought of ours is a vibration and everything that we see in 3D world as reality is  manifestation of our thoughts. What you think gets manifested and shows up in your life. It is your intensity of emotions which determines the speed of manifesting your reality because Emotions is ENERGY IN MOTION, so choose wisely where to move your emotions.

Overcome Challenges

Problems are part of life but problems are not same for everyone. The intensity of how a problem is perceived varies from person to person, evidently indicating that problems have something to do with the way we perceive and how we look at it rather than the actual problem. Basically, every one of us faces challenges /problems in our day to day life.  Most of us  magnify those problems to be more bigger than ourselves . We magnify them with such great intensity that we start believing that those problems are too big, arriving at the conclusion that your brain is too small and incapable of solving this issue, therefore you keep searching for solutions outside. When the problem is inside us,  the solution is also within us.

Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life


Success doesn’t only mean  having a lot of money and success is not that someone else tags it for you. If you are able to sleep peacefully  every night , that is  success. When you wake up in the morning and make your bed, that’s the 1st successful act. Success in a series of accomplishments that generates a sense of achievement and fulfillment generating peace within self. Are we able to maintain peace within ourselves and in people around us? When you look at all materialistic collections, we find that after some hours, days, weeks or years we do not derive peace from those objects. Finally, when you dwell within and keep asking a question for everything you want to achieve, the answer will finally come and halt at PEACE. So we can work together to achieve success not only by developing peace but also attaining materialistic goals.

While driving through the countryside, you often see dogs chasing your car or bike, instantly we press the accelerator pedal, noticing the dog also increased its speed to chase. Have you stopped and wondered why  the dog is chasing your car? What if the dog catches your vehicle? what would the dog actually do with it’s catch? Does it really require this catch? It’s a real-life metaphor to relate to  our lives. Many of us keep running around chasing things that we may actually do not require . And by the time we realize ,we are exhausted and sometimes too late, as in the pursuit of chasing seemingly important things, we would have already destroyed our passion, our uniqueness, our family, our relationship and most importantly our health. The biggest irony is that most of the losses are irreparable unless we  become aware.

Relationship Coaching –
Build & Grow

Relationship Coaching – We all know how to behave and talk, then why is that we have strained relationships in the office with boss, co-workers, neighbors, parents, siblings, in-laws, children and most importantly with our spouse? We are instructed and advised to listen but how good are we at listening?  Listening requires  attention. Better relationships will help you succeed in every walk of our life. Do we realize that Almighty doesn’t come in front of us with opportunity?   People  bring us opportunities and show us new possibilities. So build strong foundation of natural and existing relationships, then explore further. It is advisable to be very selective in choosing friends as we find it very common and easy to get connected with people in modern era of social networking. Right people can strengthen your energy and wrong people would drain your energy. Our biggest failure is we do not listen to understand but to speak.  A son or daughter brought up by parents,  in their teen age finds it difficult to accept his/her own parents. We can help you explore new dimensions to not only improve your relationships but also consolidate and help you achieve great level of satisfaction in every relationship.

Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life

Kids/ Youth Coaching (Age Group 6-22)

It is very common to see that kids are addicted to electronics gadgets, not involved in physical sports, exhibiting very little attachment to parents and siblings, exhausted and procrastinating. In real life, they find very little appreciation and recognition forcing them to rely on social media  which appreciates them for every move, they are liked on their feeds/ comments generating a false pride within themselves leading them to an unreal world.

Addiction to gadgets has led to lack of focus and concentration.   Kids are our next generation, so as a parent it is our moral responsibility to leave a better world for the next generations to come, and that would be possible only if we start from our home. 

To enhance focus and concentration, to enhance attentive skills and listening skills, KRITA SANKALP (Self Determination) can help you. Feel free to contact us to carve a life of well-being for our kids.

Wellness Coaching

Most of our ailments are owing to lifestyle. Today we find heart block, kidney failure, cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, hormonal imbalance and many other such diseases very common . Are you aware that most of the lifestyle diseases can be healed? Having a holistic approach to life can definitely  prevent you from creating damage further.All that is required is  just a little step from your end to bring qualitative change in every walk of your life. Together we help you identify and change the course of your life to a state of  well-being.

  • Healthy Diet – Selection of food that we eat is important as the intake of the right food can eradicate 90% of our diseases. What we eat becomes our body
  • Pranayama & Meditation – It is said that everyone comes in this world with an allotted number of breath.  If we  consciously and wisely use our breath, we can actually increase our span of life.
  • Biological Ageing – We cannot modify the chronological ageing but quite obviously modify our biological ageing by staying healthy, young and beautiful. Controlling biological aging is important as it is also referred as physiological age.
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life

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