Detoxification Therapies

Mudra Therapy

Mudra Therapy

Mudras (Hand Gestures) are silent yet powerful therapy to control, balance and neutralize imbalance of five elements in our body. They play a very significant role in sealing and balancing our energy. Mudra therapy is quite effective and requires  focused effort to witness results. This therapy works deep internally to balance 5 elements like Fire, Air, Ether, Earth and Water and channelize our Prana (Life energy) in our body.

While practicing  Mudra therapy, touching tip of every element balances. If the element finger is touching the bottom of thumb finger(fire) then it reduces, and if the thumb (fire) finger touches the bottom of any other finger that represents any element then it increases. So before practicing, one needs to have clarity about the objective of practice. Mudra therapy  is very safe to practice.   Samana Mudra is a uniform Mudra for everyone to practice anytime.


5 types of Mudra

Kaya Mudra ( Body)

Vipreeth Karni (In Sarvanaang Aasana,apply Ashwini Mudra, Moola bandha and do Kapaalbathi in same position 60 times x 3 sets), secondly Yoga Mudra in Vajrasana with hands in Bhairavi of Brahman Mudra

Mana Mudra ( Mind)

Shambavi Mudra(Roll eye balls upward and feel gentle pressure), Shanmuki Mudra(cut off senses to external enviorment), Kechari Mudra ( Roll tongue to the throat and keep breathing for a while – 10 counts x 3 times)

Hasta Mudra ( Hands)

Balances Fire, Air, Ether, Earth & Water Element in body

Bandha Mudra ( Lock)

Jalanddhara Bandha(Chin Lock) Uddiyan Bandha(Abdomen Lock), Moola Bandha(Rectum Lock)

Adhara Mudra (Perineum)

Ashivini Bandha- contraction of Anal sphineter, Vajroli Mudra for Men & Sahjoli for women

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As per Ayurveda, imbalance of these 5 elements is stated as DOSHA and dosha(imbalance) is classified into 3 and called VATHA, PITHA & KABHA

VATHA is imbalance of AIR + ETHER, PITHA is imbalance of FIRE + WATER, KAPHA  is imbalance of WATER + EARTH

To balance all the 5 elements in body there are different Mudras. Different body mudras are as follows
  • Kaya Mudra (Body) – Vipreeth Karni (In Sarvanaang Aasana Apply Ashwini Mudra, Moola bandha and do Kapaalbathi in same position 60 times x 3 sets), secondly Yoga Mudra in Vajrasana with hands in Bhairavi of Brahman Mudra
  • Hasta Mudra (Hands) – Balances Fire, Air, Ether, Earth & Water Element in body
  • Bandha Mudra (Lock) – Jalanddhara Bandha(Chin Lock) Uddiyan Bandha(Abdomen Lock), Moola Bandha(Rectum Lock)
  • Adhara Mudra (Perineum) – Ashivini Bandha- contraction of Anal sphincter, Vajroli Mudra for Men & Sahjoli for women


Body and Mind is interconnected so balance of 5 elements with body mudra and mind mudra should be followed together.

Mana Mudra known as Mind mudra can be neutralized by practicing Shambavi Mudra (Roll eye balls upward and feel gentle pressure), Shanmuki Mudra- this Mudra cut off out senses to external environment. Next Mana Mudra is Kechari Mudra ( Roll tongue to the throat and keep breathing for a while – 10 counts x 3 times).


Samana Mudra or Tridosha Mudra

This mudra balances all elements in body. It is advisable generally to hold this mudra whenever possible. Even if one hand is engaged, this mudra can be held in other hand.

Chin Mudra

This mudra calms down mind, matures brain and improves IQ. It enhances mental energy, mental sharpness, prevents mood swings and helps is balancing emotions. Therapeutically, it minimises insomnia, stress, helps to overcome depression, instability and indecisiveness. On spiritual front, when Thumb finger and Index finger ( which is generally used to pin point other) join together forms a shape of ZERO, killing EGO thus reduces the impact of six enemies of mind

Jnana Mudra

The finger position is same as Chin Mudra but palms facing down while keeping on lap.
Chin Mudra = Conciousness
Jnana Mudra = Wisdom

Akasha Mudra

To balance Air element in the body, this mudra is good for Heart muscles, Ears, Throat and bones

Prithvi Mudra

To balance earth element in the body, this mudra is good to maintain BMI, it helps to establish feeling of freshness, relaxation, vitality and promotes good fitness.

Varuna Mudra

To balance water element in body, this mudra is very good for skin, dry cough, prevents hydration, wrinkles. Overall good for  balancing water or fluids in body.

Vayu Mudra

Reduces air element in the body as this factor is responsible for majority of modern pathologies. Tt minimizes wind based aches, pain such as arthritis and gastro-intestinal upset.

Shunya Mudra

Improves hearing and relieve ear ache

Surya Mudra

Useful for weight reduction, improves conditions such as Tuberculosis, pneumonia, common cold, sinus, thyroid malfunction and asthma etc.,

Jalodaranaskaka Mudra

Reduces excess bodily fluids such as urine or mucus, useful for running nose and throat pain. This mudra is especially effective when combined with Surya Mudra, which means , you can hold one hand in this mudra and other one in Surya mudra.

Adhithi Mudra

Treats morning sickness, sneezing and assists with weight gain especially good for underweight person, good for vitality and immunity

Linga Mudra

This mudra to increase body temperature so good during winter and while working in AC rooms for longer period. But restricted for people with acidity, as increased temperature will affect acidity more, so person with acidity to drink plenty of water. Person having vertigo issue to avoid this mudra.

Apana Mudra

Useful for Excretion, diabetes, stomach problems

Adi Mudra

This mudra in particular used for vibhagya pranayama(sectional breathing), it is used to flow prana to the upper lobes of lungs.

Meo Mudra

Useful for Excretion, diabetes, stomach problems


Reduces upper back pain

Ksepana Mudra

To increase Aura and kundalini


Stimulate lungs, this mudra in particular is used for single nostril breathing/pranayama techniques like Nadi Shuddi/Anulom Viloum, Surya Bhedana and Chandra bhedana etc.,

Chinmayi Mudra

Use this mudra while hands are placed on the middle of thigh. This mudra is used while doing vibhagya/sectional pranayama for flowing prana to the middle lobe of the lungs

Pankaja or Louts Mudra

Hold this mudra in front of chest. Tip of little fingers and thumb to be aligned and the gap between fingers to be uniform. This mudra is good for success in life to meditate and distributes energy to the body.

Dhyana Mudra

Best mudra while meditating, it helps to organize all thoughts thereby helping to concentrate.

Hakini Mudra

Best mudra to bring perfect balance in both left and right hemisphere of brain, helps in harmony and calmness of both sides of the brain.

Surabhi Mudra

This mudra helps to fulfil desires. While doing this mudra, mind becomes focussed, helping thoughts to channelize in fulfilling desires.

Udana Mudra

Good for person suffering from swallowing problems, acid reflex, throat problems. It helps is awakening, nervous efficiency and refreshes body.

Ganesh Mudra

While doing this mudra, focus on breathing. Exhale as you pull apart your hands and inhale while relaxing your hand. Person lacking confidence, encouragement can use this mudra as it also refreshes. It is also used for motivation and obstacle removal while encouraging mind and body.

bronchial Mudra and Asthma Mudra

Very good for all kind of breathing problems.

Garuda Mudra

Good for immunity, balances energy on both side, improves digestion system, keeps mind calm free from anxiety and stress, good for mood swing.

Shakti Mudra

Beneficial for removing stress, can infuse strength in body by regular practise of this mudra, good for person with sleeping problems

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