Mind - Chitta

Today STRESS in growing as one of the major killers.It is like the termite inside the wood that looks stable from outside and becoming hollow from inside. Stress if not controlled would destroy every organ by bringing in hormonal imbalance changing the chemical composition of body.

Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life

As per Yoga there are 4 stages of Mind

  • Waking state of consciousness
  • Dreaming state of consciousness- dreaming at night
  • Sleeping state of consciousness – when you sleep without dream
  • When all the above disappears and once transcends them
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The 5 states of Mind

As per yoga there are 5 states of mind

  1. Modha – ( Dull Mind cannot wake up) Like a Donkey engaged in routine habits, lacks drive, lacks determination, always in fear state, lazy, helplessness mindset, tired, sleepy, lethargic, doing routine, habituated to procrastinating,  unwilling to explore life. Modha state is the result of attachment, anger, greed and infatuation.
  2. Kshipta (“k” silent) –(Too restless cannot find steadiness) mind acts like a monkey, restless, full of anxiety, overwhelmed, with mindset to explore, jumping from one thought to another, one emotion to another, keeps moving between Love and hate, likes and dislikes, expectation and disappointments. This state is the ignorance of what is right and wrong, evil or virtuous, attachment and detachment, knowledge and delusion
  3. Vikshipta (“k” silent) – (Unsteady, inconsistent mind lacking concentration and balance) Like a butterfly , the mind keeps moving and oscillating having clarity and confusion. Mind is engaged in taking action but lacks perseverance, decisions are taken but lacks self-determination, getting stuck between action and inaction. This state has clarity of right and wrong, evil and virtuous, attachment and detachment, knowledge and delusion.
  4. Ekagra – Focussed mind without distractions or diversion, example of candle burning without any intervention of wind or air blowing, calm and composed with highest level of concentration and awareness.
  5. Nirudha – Highest state of mind and it is called arrested mind, not distracted by random thoughts.

Six enemies of Mind

  • Kama – Desire
  • Krodha – Anger
  • Lobha – Greed
  • Moha – Infatuation
  • Mada – Pride
  • Maatsarya –Jealousy
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Pranayama- Prana + Aayama – Regulate the Breath. Every human is born with allotted breath. On an average a human breathes around 15 times in a minute. The objective should be to reduce the number to 10 or below to increase the span of life. Mind has to be in Peace for humans to deliver maximum results. In corporate world , multi asking is considered a boon, whereas scientifically it has been proved that our brain is incapable of multi-tasking and it leads to decreased efficiency affecting the quality of work. Pranayama is very effective for the brain to function efficiently and effectively.

One can easily relate the above state of mind to 5 different brain frequency of our brain – Delta,Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma

Sukha Pranayama

Calm Deep Breathing
- Best for calming and relaxing body and mind

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Anulom Viloum or Nadi Shuddi

Alternative nostril breathing technique
– Best for balance of equilibrium of body and mind, best for purification of Nadis(72,000 nadis in human body).


Bee Humming
– Best for calming, soothing relaxing, feel fresh and over all well being. Withdrawing from 5 external senses helps us to dwell deep inside us.

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Antar & Bahya Kumbaka

Retention of Breath Use – Saves energy, stills your mind, develops better control of mind, good to reduce anxiety.


SAMA Vrithi & Vishama Vrithi

Even & Uneven breathing
Use – Best for relieving stress, helpful in kundalini awakening. Good for Lungs and respiratory system and helpful for anal disorders while practicing with bandha.


Continuous forceful exhalation.
Use – Best for cleansing lungs and whole body, as the forceful exhalation detoxifies the entire body.

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Meditation is the food for mind.

We feed our body with food to keep it healthy and to keep it fit, we need to
exercise. Similarly, we need to do meditation for our brain to stay healthy and 
active. It is said that Meditation is medication to Mind and Healing and if not
done properly, it becomes irritation.
Meditation is one process to access conscious, sub-conscious and super conscious.
There are different types of meditation like

Omkar Meditation, Chakra
Meditation, Brahmari Meditation, Silent Meditation with Shabavi Mudra, Japa
Meditation, Tapa Meditation and Nadanusandana(A-U-M) etc.,

Mudra Therapy

Mudra (Hand Gestures) are silent yet powerful therapy to control and neutralize five elements in our body and they play are very significant role in sealing and balancing our energy. There are 5 types of Mudra

Kaya Mudra ( Body)

Vipreeth Karni (In Sarvanaang Aasana Apply Ashwini Mudra, Moola bandha and do Kapaalbathi in same position 60 times x 3 sets), Yoga Mudra in Vajrasana with hands in Bhairavi of Brahman Mudra

Mana Mudra ( Mind)

Shambavi Mudra(Roll eye balls upward and feel gentle pressure), Shanmuki Mudra(cut off senses to external enviorment), Kechari Mudra ( Roll tongue to the throat and keep breathing for a while – 10 counts x 3 times)

Hasta Mudra ( Hands)

Balances Fire, Air, Ether, Earth & Water Element in body

Bandha Mudra ( Lock)

Jalanddhara Bandha(Chin Lock) Uddiyan Bandha(Abdomen Lock), Moola Bandha(Rectum Lock)

Adhara Mudra (Perineum)

Ashivini Bandha- contraction of Anal sphincter, Vajroli Mudra for Men & Sahjoli for women

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Motivation – Motive in Action

If you look  at the most successful people, a  common thing is  that they all had a mentor and outside motivation factor has played a key role in their success. Motivation can be of two types. Positive and Negative and the source can be internal and external. Why external motivation is needed? Today,everyone is overdosed with information on finger tips. News, social feeds and people around influence negatively.Hence, many at times ,we require external motivation  to get that jump start effect but ultimately it’s the internal motivation that succeeds and KRITA SANKALP(Self-determination) will help you.

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