
Business OWNER Coaching

For Small & Medium orgnaziations)

Why Coaching for SME or Business owners is Important?

  • Stressed out Employer & Employees
  • Multi-tasking or Mono tasking ?
  • Inability to prioritize 
  • Low Productivity
  • Procrastination
  • Ineffective utilization of manpower and resources
  • Inability to capitalize growth potential, Increase sales and increase profits
  • Inefficient and ineffective communication between Employer and employees leading to unpleasant and unwanted developments
  • Lack of Vision and Mission
  • Lack of Drive
  • Unhealthy and inactive employees
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life

SMEs with an employee strength of less than 100 are backbone of every country’s economy but neglected. SMEs in most cases is ONE MAN SHOW, they struggle a lot, with little or no time for family, little time for health. There are several business owners who eat only once a day due to tight schedule but do not lose weight and have several health issues. SME owners engage in cross functioning like sending emails, sending quotes, production coordination, logistics, operations and finance. Therefore SME stands on one pillar and that is on the shoulder of the owner which is too risky.

The biggest setback of business owner is that they have very little platform to share or discuss business or even consult. Being a businessman and head of family,  they hardly involve or share their business challenges with family members. Next best option is to discuss and consult businessmen from the same industry. It is too dangerous to consult a competitor or someone from same industry because sharing information and seeking consultation will expose every aspect of SME.

Therefore Coaching for SME owners becomes a must as they need to dwell with different perspectives, find solutions for the challenges and bring growth to your organization.


4 categories of SME Owners

  1. LACK sufficient flow of consistent INCOME and LACK sufficient qualitative TIME
  2. Have sufficient Flow of Income but LACK qualitative TIME for self or family
  3. Have sufficient time but LACK sufficient flow of INCOME to meet all requirements
  4. Have SUFFICIENT flow of INCOME and also have qualitative TIME
Biggest challenge above all is the ineffective utilization of resources especially Human Resources. Business owners find themselves stuck in the daily routine without tangible growth on personal  and professional front.

Strong desire to bring changes is desired but unaware of whom to approach for consulting or coaching. If you are  stuck and looking for a solution,feel free to contact us. Together we can progress towards qualitative growth in your life tapping every aspects  with regard to finance, health and wellness.

Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life

Mentoring 1:1

It is basically one on one session, where we meet out of your office in an environment-friendly location like Parks, Sea Shore, backwater which are mutualy convenient. Mentoring is a continuous process with a commitment of 4 months from a Business owner to see predictable changes in life. During this period, we talk about all aspects of well-being starting with thr  issue bothering you the most at present.

Business Coaching

Business coaching for growth of the business, exploring new avenues, increased productivity, increased profits, diversified portfolio, optimal utilization of manpower and resources, empowerment of employees or key personnel of your organization.

Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life
Kritasankalp | Self Determination Upgrades Life

Wellness Coaching

To perform optimally, one has to be mentally and physically healthy (Body-Mind connection). Krita Sankalp devises tailor made specific coaching programs to impart holistic wellness to the employees.  SME Training is part of wellness, details provided on the training page.

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